Drilling Down
We explore fringe paranormal, conspiracy, bible prophecy and some really whacked out humor along the way. Join the Drillarians as we Drill Down on the tough topics surrounding our human existence! Team Double D! No one calls us that but whatever.
175 episodes
EP 159 Seed Wars: A Dragon, Bigfoot And A Vampire Walk Into A Bar (Part 4) Genesis Chapter 5-50
Our conclusion to this story is just the beginning for the rest of the Bible, a tale so intertwined with the supernatural, modern Christians too often push it aside.
EP 158 Drones: SO HOTT right now!
The Friends episode title for this is "The One About The Drones".
EP 157 Is Modern Israel really God's chosen people? Yes. And No. How many Christians are deceived.
EP 156 Seed Wars: A Dragon, Bigfoot And A Vampire Walk Into A Bar (Part 3) Genesis Chapter 4
In this episode we look into Cain and his descendants. Their evil corrupted the entire earth eventually and some of his lineage even more than likely got it on with fallen angels. This is our last look into the antediluvian world and our first ...
EP 155 Seed Wars: A Dragon, Bigfoot And A Vampire Walk Into A Bar (Part2) Genesis Chapters 2-3
In this episode Kyle explores Genesis Chapter 3. Lots of weirdness going on with this one. Bigfoot and the Vampire don't make it into this whacked out episode but the Dragon sure does, don't worry, Bigfoot and the Vampire are making an appearan...
EP 154 Seed Wars: A Dragon, Bigfoot And A Vampire Walk Into A Bar. (Part 1) Genesis Chapter 1
Hey Drillarians! Don't forget to send ideas for show topics and thoughts to drillingdownpodcast@gmail.comIn this series Kyle is taking us through an in depth study of the book of Genesis with some twists he promises you've never heard o...
EP 153 The Red Heifer and why the Jesus Super Bowl Commercial is TRASH
What's cooler than talking about cows? Nothing. Cows rule, that's why we always say "COWS" when we drive past them in a field. Also, these Jesus commercials are WAY off.
EP 152 Israeli/Gaza/Iran War And What It Means In Biblical Prophecy
While the title is pretty self explanatory, Kyle really goes hard in the paint in this one to help us understand how we got to this place we are watching on the news. The Bible is astounding in it's prophecies and truths!
EP 151 The Quantum Kingdom
In this episode Kyle explores Steve McVey's new book entitled "Quantum Life: The Kingdom Of God Is Within You."You can purchase the book herehttps://www.amazon.com/Quantum-Life-Kingdom-God-Within/dp/1961180006Here is a copy ...
EP 149 Chronology of the Bible (Part 2)
Nothing fancy here, just me and you. No cool intro, no cool editing, I'm almost embarrassed by it. JK who cares.
EP 148 Chronology of the Bible (Part 1)
Understanding the order of the Bible is a big deal. It helps it all make sense. You know what else would make sense? If Kyle wouldn't take breaks from podcasting.
EP 147 Numbers Stations
Primarily used during the Cold War, these mysterious and downright creepy shortwave radio transmissions flooded the airwaves for all to hear....if you knew where and how to look for them. Join us today as Kyle covers NUMBERS STATIONSLin...
EP 145 The Gold And The Gods (Part 6)
Why have you not bought this yet, you're dead to me. https://www.amazon.com/Roots-Federal-Reserve-Tracing-Nephilim/dp/1942790198/ref=sr_1_1?crid=NB5U9DYMH2ZI&keywords=laura+sanger+federal+reserve&qid=1671636470&sprefix=...
EP 144 The Gold And The Gods (Part 5)
Here, buy this you slacker. https://www.amazon.com/Roots-Federal-Reserve-Tracing-Nephilim/dp/1942790198/ref=sr_1_1?crid=NB5U9DYMH2ZI&keywords=laura+sanger+federal+reserve&qid=1671554955&sprefix=laura+san%2Caps%2C118&...
#143 The Gold And The Gods (Part 4)
#142 The Gold And The Gods (Part 3)
#141 The Gold And The Gods (Part 2)
Here's the book. Get it. https://www.amazon.com/Roots-Federal-Reserve-Tracing-Nephilim/dp/1942790198/ref=sr_1_1?gclid=Cj0KCQiAg_KbBhDLARIsANx7wAyoXlcw-X3aLKkTAsmNMbRHmtmPJOGceckIJrdVaz2geYqwo9WbQJoaAh2HEALw_wcB&hvadid=592196950...
#140 The Gold And The Gods (Part 1)
In this series we follow Dr Laura Sangers book, "The Roots of the Federal Reserve: Tracing the Nephilim from Noah to the US Dollar". If that isn't the greatest title in the history of books I don't know what is. Buy it...
#139 The Judgement of the Nephilim (Part 3)
This. Buy it. https://www.amazon.com/Judgment-Nephilim-Ryan-Pitterson/dp/0999208306/ref=asc_df_0999208306/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=241916856624&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=16314403377714638266&hvpone=&a...
#138 The Judgement of the Nephilim (Part 2)
Buy this book! https://www.amazon.com/Judgment-Nephilim-Ryan-Pitterson/dp/0999208306
#137 The Judgement of the Nephilim (Part 1)
In this series we study Ryan Pittersons new book of the same title. Click on the link below to get the book and study it you won't be sorry! https://www.amazon.com/Judgment-Nephilim-Ryan-Pitterson/dp/0999208306
#136 Our Place In The Greatest Story Ever Told (Part 6) VERY IMPORTANT EPISODE!
More than any other episode in this series, THIS ONE needs to be understood. Buy Tim's book here https://www.amazon.com/Birthright-Posthuman-Apocalypse-Usurpation-Dominion/dp/B08M83XF8W/ref=sr_1_1?gclid=Cj0KCQjw3eeXBhD7ARIsAHjssr_8...
#135 Our Place In The Greatest Story Ever Told (Part5) Transhumanism
This book. Buy it. https://www.amazon.com/Birthright-Posthuman-Apocalypse-Usurpation-Dominion/dp/B08M83XF8W/ref=sr_1_1?gclid=Cj0KCQjwrs2XBhDjARIsAHVymmR4JsxqVckuoFpHMGWGP5drizHkaheiwAteskNYZEMOha9qrLvefgoaAjKzEALw_wcB&hvadid=580629...